Sunday, December 1, 2013


Hi, I'm Elizabeth. You can call me Betty.

I'm starting this blog as a way to chronicle my quilt life, and especially beginning now with Bonnie Hunters Celtic Solstice mystery quilt.

I'm a fairly new quilter. Back in 1995 at the age of 20, I saw the movie How to Make an American Quilt. I didn't really think much of the movie at the time, but quilting threw an arrow straight through my heart. I love history, and quilting seems like such a connection with past. I decided to give it a try. I didn't know anyone else who quilted, so I tried to learn from books and quilt magazines. My attempts were not so great, but I enjoyed it. Here are a couple things I had done then. I never even backed the quilt.

In the next couple of years I met a guy, fell in love, got married and we started a family. I thought about quilting occasionally, but the only attempt I made was starting a simple scrappy quilt with squares. I just finished it this past year.

Fast forward 17 years and our family made a big cross country move from California to Virginia. It was a great move, and we love it here, but with no friends or family nearby, I had a little more free time. I decided to try quilting again. I started with a little lap size rag quilt. It turned out ok, not great, but ok. I was hooked again.

My next project was the 2012 Craftsy Block of the Month. I was a year behind, so all the clues were up and I finished piecing it in about a month.It's still not backed and quilted though.

From the Craftsy quilt I decided to make a whole quilt using one of the blocks, rotating the squares for a whole new look. I have no idea why I chose to do curved pieces for a beginning quilt, but I did it!

I have worked on a few more quilts and somewhere along the way I discovered Bonnie Hunter from Quiltville.

I love her scrappy quilts, and she does Quiltcam's occasionally which are so fun! I bought her book Adventures in Leaders and Enders and decided to do her Blue Ridge Beauty quilt.

There are some mistakes, like blocks facing the wrong direction, but I am not a perfectionist, and they are going to stay that way. I don't think I personally could be a quilter if I was a perfectionist. It would drive me insane. But I am improving each time, and I know each project will be better then the last.

Now on to the Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt!


  1. Nice quilts Betty! Love to read about your quilting journey. I am a quilter for over 22 years now and the owner of a quilt shop in the Netherlands and now also making the new (my first) mystery quilt of Bonnie.
    Greetings from the Netherlands
    Marina Fluit

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog and being my first comment! It's my first mystery too, and I never thought I would do one when I first heard of them, but I like Bonnie's work and her teaching, so I think it should be lots of fun with a beautiful quilt at the end.

  2. Hello Betty. this is my first Bonnie Mystery also. I am looking forward to all the posts. Love your quilts and story.
    Happy quilting from WA.

    1. Thanks for visiting! I never would have thought I would do a mystery quilt, but because it's Bonnie I decided to jump in.

  3. Thanks for sharing Betting I'm doing a leader and Ender as well the same one as you. My first mystery. Great Qults!

    1. I really liked the Sisters Nine Patch in Adventures in Leaders and Enders, but I'm not personally crazy about red and yellow together, so I decided to switch out the colors. It's a great L&E project so far. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  4. Hi Betty, welcome to the great world of Blogging-Quilters! We love our quilts and sharing our progress, as you do.
    I'm also working on Bonnie's Celtic Solstice Mystery, and it's the third mystery by Bonnie I'm working on.
    What a great Leader and Ender-quilt you made! Blue Ridge Beauty is also on my "ToDo-List"..... ;)
    Love to follow your blog!
    Greetz from the Netherlands, Ria.

    1. Your third mystery? You are an old pro. :) Blue Ridge Beauty is a fun quilt, so much bigger then I expected, but it was great watching it start to come together. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Blogging is a great way to record your quilts. I'm behind on my blog but enjoy going back to see what was going on in my quilt life.

    1. Thank you for visiting. I'm hoping I can keep up with the posting. I've attempted blogging before, but sometimes lose steam. I like having a creative outlet, like quilting, and talking about it here should be fun.
