Sunday, December 8, 2013

Clue #1 Completed!

It's Sunday and I have finally completed clue #1. I moved a lot slower this week. On Monday one of my daughters ended up in the emergency room. Both of my girls have health issues and it's so hard sometimes. It throws me for a loop emotionally when things happen and this week was no different. I have been in a bit of a funk, actually pretty much depressed and my stress level has been through the roof. It causes me to not be able to focus, and I am easily distracted. But I keep putting one foot in front of the other moving forward on all aspects of life, trying to remember to count my blessings. And now I have finally completed clue #1.

I was thrilled when I got all the pieces cut. It was a lot of cutting!

And I was even more thrilled this morning when I ironed open the last block!

I made myself venture out of my comfort zone. When someone tells me to use neutrals I tend to think whites or creams or even white on whites, but Bonnie talks about using neutrals that have more detail, colors or prints in them, so I went to the fabric store this week and expanded my stash.

I had a bit of a helper this week sewing. His name is Oreo. He's not the friendliest cat, the look on his face says it all. He really only tolerates small children and likes to spend his time killing my backyard wildlife.

I also decided to clean out the bobbin area of my sewing machine. What a yucky mess!

I am so excited to have finished and now I am ready to jump into clue #2!

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